by Andrew Seibert, MD
What Is Prostate Cancer?
Prostate cancer develops in a man's prostate, the
walnut-sized gland just below the bladder that produces some of the
fluid in semen. It's the most common cancer in men after skin cancer.
Prostate cancer often grows very slowly and may not cause significant
harm. But some types are more aggressive and can spread quickly without
Symptoms of Prostate Cancer
In the early stages, men may have no symptoms. Later, symptoms can include:
- Frequent urination, especially at night
- Difficulty starting or stopping urination
- Weak or interrupted urinary stream
- Painful or burning sensation during urination or ejaculation
- Blood in urine or semen
Advanced cancer can cause deep pain in the lower back, hips, or upper thighs.
Enlarged Prostate or Prostate Cancer?
The prostate can grow larger as men age, sometimes pressing
on the bladder or urethra and causing symptoms similar to prostate
cancer. This is called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). It's not
cancer and can be treated if symptoms become bothersome. A third
problem that can cause urinary symptoms is prostatitis. This
inflammation or infection may also cause a fever and in many cases is
treated with medicine.
Risk Factors You Can Control
Diet seems to play a role in the development of prostate
cancer, which is much more common in countries where meat and high-fat
dairy are mainstays. The reason for this link is unclear. Dietary fat,
particularly animal fat from red meat, may boost male hormone levels.
And this may fuel the growth of cancerous prostate cells. A diet too low
in fruits and vegetables may also play a role.
Screening: DRE and PSA
Your doctor may initially do a digital rectal exam (DRE) to
feel for bumps or hard spots on the prostate. After a discussion with
your doctor, a blood test can be used to measure prostate-specific
antigen (PSA), a protein produced by prostate cells. An elevated level
may indicate a higher chance that you have cancer, but you can have a
high level and still be cancer-free. It is also possible to have a
normal PSA and have prostate cancer.
Prostate Cancer Imaging
Some men may need additional tests to see if the cancer has
spread beyond the prostate. These can include ultrasound, a CT scan, or
an MRI scan (seen here). A radionuclide bone scan traces an injection of
low-level radioactive material to help detect cancer that has spread to
the bone.
In the MRI scan shown here, the tumor is the green, kidney-shaped mass in the center, next to the prostate gland (in pink).
Prostate Cancer Staging
Staging is used to describe how far prostate cancer has spread (metastasized) and to help determine the best treatment.
- Stage I: Cancer is small and still within the prostate.
- Stage II: Cancer is more advanced, but still confined to the prostate.
- Stage III: Cancer has spread to the outer part of the prostate and nearby seminal vesicles.
- Stage IV: Cancer has spread to lymph nodes, nearby organs or tissues such as bladder or rectum, or distant organs such as bones or lungs.
Prostate Cancer Survival Rates
The good news about prostate cancer is that it usually grows
slowly. And 9 out of 10 cases are found in the early stages. Overall,
the 5-year relative survival rate is 100% for men with disease confined
to the prostate or nearby tissues, and many men live much longer. When
the disease has spread to distant areas, that figure drops to 31%. But
these numbers are based on men diagnosed at least 5 years ago. The
outlook may be better for men diagnosed and treated today.
Treatment: Radiation Therapy
External beam radiation to kill cancer cells can be used as a
first treatment or after prostate cancer surgery. It can also help
relieve bone pain from the spread of cancer. In brachytherapy, tiny
radioactive pellets about the size of a grain of rice are inserted into
the prostate. Both methods can impair erectile function. Fatigue,
urinary problems, and diarrhea are other possible side effects.
Treatment: Surgery
Removing the prostate, or radical prostatectomy, is used to
eliminate the cancer when it is confined to the prostate. New techniques
use smaller incisions and seek to avoid damaging nearby nerves. If
lymph nodes are also cancerous, prostatectomy may not be the best
option. Surgery may impair urinary and sexual function, but both can
improve over time.
Treatment: Hormone Therapy
Hormone therapy may shrink or slow the growth of your
cancer, but unless it is used with another therapy it will not eliminate
the cancer. Drugs or hormones block or stop the production of
testosterone and other male hormones, called androgens. Side effects can
include hot flashes, growth of breast tissue, weight gain, and
Treatment: Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy kills cancer cells throughout the body,
including those outside the prostate, so it is used to treat more
advanced cancer and cancer that did not respond to hormone therapy.
Treatment is usually intravenous and is given in cycles lasting 3-6
months. Because the chemotherapy kills other fast-growing cells in the
body, you may have hair loss and mouth sores. Other side effects include
nausea, vomiting, and fatigue.
Treatment: Cryotherapy
Cryotherapy freezes and kills cancerous cells within the
prostate (like the highly magnified cells shown here.) It is not as
widely used because little is known about its long-term effectiveness.
It's less invasive than surgery, with a shorter recovery time. Because
the freezing damages nerves, as many as 80% of men become impotent after
cryosurgery. There can be temporary pain and burning sensations in the
bladder and bowel.
Treatment: Prostate Cancer Vaccine
This vaccine is designed to treat, not prevent, prostate
cancer by spurring your body's immune system to attack prostate cancer
cells. Immune cells are removed from your blood, activated to fight
cancer, and infused back into your blood. Three cycles occur in one
month. It's used for advanced prostate cancer that no longer responds to
hormone therapy. Mild side-effects can occur such as fatigue, nausea,
and fever.
Food for Health
A cancer-conscious diet may be the best choice for survivors
who want to bolster their health and those hoping to lower their risk.
That means:
- Five or more fruits and veggies a day
- Whole grains instead of white flour or white rice
- Limit high-fat meat
- Limit or eliminate processed meat (hot dogs, cold cuts, bacon)
- Limit alcohol to 1-2 drinks per day (if you drink)
Foods high in folate may have some action against prostate cancer
(spinach, orange juice, lentils). Studies found mixed results on
lycopene, an antioxidant found in tomatoes.
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