Monday, June 4, 2012

Prostate Cancer

by Andrew Seibert, MD


What Is Prostate Cancer?

Prostate cancer develops in a man's prostate, the walnut-sized gland just below the bladder that produces some of the fluid in semen. It's the most common cancer in men after skin cancer. Prostate cancer often grows very slowly and may not cause significant harm. But some types are more aggressive and can spread quickly without treatment.

Symptoms of Prostate Cancer

In the early stages, men may have no symptoms. Later, symptoms can include:
  • Frequent urination, especially at night
  • Difficulty starting or stopping urination
  • Weak or interrupted urinary stream
  • Painful or burning sensation during urination or ejaculation
  • Blood in urine or semen
Advanced cancer can cause deep pain in the lower back, hips, or upper thighs.

Enlarged Prostate or Prostate Cancer?

The prostate can grow larger as men age, sometimes pressing on the bladder or urethra and causing symptoms similar to prostate cancer. This is called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). It's not cancer and can be treated if symptoms become bothersome. A third problem that can cause urinary symptoms is prostatitis. This inflammation or infection may also cause a fever and in many cases is treated with medicine.

Risk Factors You Can Control

Diet seems to play a role in the development of prostate cancer, which is much more common in countries where meat and high-fat dairy are mainstays. The reason for this link is unclear. Dietary fat, particularly animal fat from red meat, may boost male hormone levels. And this may fuel the growth of cancerous prostate cells. A diet too low in fruits and vegetables may also play a role.

Screening: DRE and PSA

Your doctor may initially do a digital rectal exam (DRE) to feel for bumps or hard spots on the prostate. After a discussion with your doctor, a blood test can be used to measure prostate-specific antigen (PSA), a protein produced by prostate cells. An elevated level may indicate a higher chance that you have cancer, but you can have a high level and still be cancer-free. It is also possible to have a normal PSA and have prostate cancer.

Prostate Cancer Imaging

Some men may need additional tests to see if the cancer has spread beyond the prostate. These can include ultrasound, a CT scan, or an MRI scan (seen here). A radionuclide bone scan traces an injection of low-level radioactive material to help detect cancer that has spread to the bone.
In the MRI scan shown here, the tumor is the green, kidney-shaped mass in the center, next to the prostate gland (in pink).

Prostate Cancer Staging

Staging is used to describe how far prostate cancer has spread (metastasized) and to help determine the best treatment.
  • Stage I: Cancer is small and still within the prostate.
  • Stage II: Cancer is more advanced, but still confined to the prostate.
  • Stage III: Cancer has spread to the outer part of the prostate and nearby seminal vesicles.
  • Stage IV: Cancer has spread to lymph nodes, nearby organs or tissues such as bladder or rectum, or distant organs such as bones or lungs.

Prostate Cancer Survival Rates

The good news about prostate cancer is that it usually grows slowly. And 9 out of 10 cases are found in the early stages. Overall, the 5-year relative survival rate is 100% for men with disease confined to the prostate or nearby tissues, and many men live much longer. When the disease has spread to distant areas, that figure drops to 31%. But these numbers are based on men diagnosed at least 5 years ago. The outlook may be better for men diagnosed and treated today.

Treatment: Radiation Therapy

External beam radiation to kill cancer cells can be used as a first treatment or after prostate cancer surgery. It can also help relieve bone pain from the spread of cancer. In brachytherapy, tiny radioactive pellets about the size of a grain of rice are inserted into the prostate. Both methods can impair erectile function. Fatigue, urinary problems, and diarrhea are other possible side effects.

Treatment: Surgery

Removing the prostate, or radical prostatectomy, is used to eliminate the cancer when it is confined to the prostate. New techniques use smaller incisions and seek to avoid damaging nearby nerves. If lymph nodes are also cancerous, prostatectomy may not be the best option. Surgery may impair urinary and sexual function, but both can improve over time.

Treatment: Hormone Therapy

Hormone therapy may shrink or slow the growth of your cancer, but unless it is used with another therapy it will not eliminate the cancer. Drugs or hormones block or stop the production of testosterone and other male hormones, called androgens. Side effects can include hot flashes, growth of breast tissue, weight gain, and impotence.

Treatment: Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy kills cancer cells throughout the body, including those outside the prostate, so it is used to treat more advanced cancer and cancer that did not respond to hormone therapy. Treatment is usually intravenous and is given in cycles lasting 3-6 months. Because the chemotherapy kills other fast-growing cells in the body, you may have hair loss and mouth sores. Other side effects include nausea, vomiting, and fatigue.

Treatment: Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy freezes and kills cancerous cells within the prostate (like the highly magnified cells shown here.) It is not as widely used because little is known about its long-term effectiveness. It's less invasive than surgery, with a shorter recovery time. Because the freezing damages nerves, as many as 80% of men become impotent after cryosurgery. There can be temporary pain and burning sensations in the bladder and bowel.

Treatment: Prostate Cancer Vaccine

This vaccine is designed to treat, not prevent, prostate cancer by spurring your body's immune system to attack prostate cancer cells. Immune cells are removed from your blood, activated to fight cancer, and infused back into your blood. Three cycles occur in one month. It's used for advanced prostate cancer that no longer responds to hormone therapy. Mild side-effects can occur such as fatigue, nausea, and fever.

Food for Health

A cancer-conscious diet may be the best choice for survivors who want to bolster their health and those hoping to lower their risk. That means:
  • Five or more fruits and veggies a day
  • Whole grains instead of white flour or white rice
  • Limit high-fat meat
  • Limit or eliminate processed meat (hot dogs, cold cuts, bacon)
  • Limit alcohol to 1-2 drinks per day (if you drink)
Foods high in folate may have some action against prostate cancer (spinach, orange juice, lentils). Studies found mixed results on lycopene, an antioxidant found in tomatoes.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Colon Cancer

by Laura J. Martin, MD

Colorectal Cancer: What Is It?

Not including skin cancer, colorectal cancer is the third most frequently diagnosed cancer in men and women and the second highest cause of cancer deaths in the U.S. Yet, when found early, it is highly curable. This type of cancer occurs when abnormal cells grow in the lining of the large intestine (colon) or rectum. Learn more about who gets colorectal cancer, how it is detected, and what the latest treatments can accomplish.

How It Starts

Colorectal cancers often begin as polyps – benign growths on the interior surface of the colon. The two most common types of intestinal polyps are adenomas and hyperplastic polyps. They develop when there are errors in the way cells grow and repair the lining of the colon. Most polyps remain benign, but some have the potential to turn cancerous. Removing them early prevents colorectal cancer. 


Because colorectal cancer is stealthy, screenings are the key to early detection. Beginning at age 50, most people should have a colonoscopy every 10 years. This procedure uses a tiny camera to examine the entire colon and rectum. These tests not only find tumors early, but can actually prevent colorectal cancer by removing polyps.

Diagnosing Colorectal Cancer

If testing reveals a possible tumor, the next step is a biopsy. During a colonoscopy, your doctor will remove polyps and take tissue samples from any parts of the colon that look unusual. This tissue is examined under a microscope to determine whether or not it is cancerous. Shown here is a color-enhanced, magnified view of colon cancer cells.

Staging Colorectal Cancer

If cancer is detected, it will be "staged," a process of finding out how far the cancer has spread. Tumor size may not correlate with the stage of cancer. Staging also enables your doctor to determine what type of treatment you will receive.
  • Stage 0 -- Cancer is only in the innermost lining of the colon or rectum.
  • Stage I -- Cancer has not spread beyond the inner wall of the colon or rectum.
  • Stage II -- Cancer has spread into the muscle layer of the colon or rectum.
  • Stage III -- Cancer has spread to one or more lymph nodes in the area.
  • Stage IV -- Cancer has spread to other parts of the body, such as the liver, lung, or bones. This stage does NOT depend on how deep the tumor has penetrated or if the disease has spread to the lymph nodes near the tumor.

Breast Cancer

 A Video showiing a Breast Cancer Progression and Staging

by Varnada Karriem-Norwood, MD

Breast Cancer Symptoms

There are often no symptoms of breast cancer, but sometimes women may discover a breast problem on their own. Signs and symptoms to be aware of may include:
  • A painless lump in the breast.
  • Changes in breast size or shape.
  • Swelling in the armpit.
  • Nipple changes or discharge.
Breast pain can also be a symptom of cancer, but this is not common.

Breast Ultrasound and MRI

Besides a mammogram, your doctor may order additional imaging with breast ultrasound. An ultrasound can help determine the presence of cysts, fluid-filled sacs that are not cancer. An MRI may be recommended along with a mammogram for routine screening in certain women who have a higher risk of breast cancer.


Breast Self-Exams

It was once widely recommended that women check their own breasts once a month. But studies suggest these breast self-exams play a very small role in finding cancer. The current thinking is that it's more important to know your breasts and be aware of any changes, rather than checking them on a regular schedule. If you want to do breast self-exams, be sure to go over the technique with your doctor.

What If You Find a Lump?

First, don't panic. Eighty percent of breast lumps are not cancerous. Lumps often turn out to be harmless cysts or tissue changes related to your menstrual cycle. But you should let your doctor know right away if you find anything unusual in your breast. If it is cancer, the earlier it's found the better. And if it's not, testing can give you peace of mind. 

HER2-Positive Breast Cancer

In about 20% of patients, breast cancer cells have too many receptors for a protein called HER2. This type of cancer is known as HER2-positive, and it tends to spread faster than other forms of breast cancer. It's important to determine whether a tumor is HER2-positive, because there are special treatments for this form of cancer.
A HER2-positive breast cancer cell is illustrated here, with abnormal growth signals shown in green.

Breast Cancer Stages

Once breast cancer has been diagnosed, the next step is to determine how big the tumor is and how far the cancer has spread. This process is called staging. Doctors use Stages 0-4 to describe whether cancer is localized to the breast, has invaded nearby lymph nodes, or has spread to other organs, such as the lungs. Knowing the stage and type of breast cancer will help your health care team formulate a treatment strategy.

Breast Cancer Surgery

There are many types of breast cancer surgery, from taking out the area around the lump (lumpectomy or breast-conservation surgery) to removing the entire breast (mastectomy.) It's best to discuss the pros and cons of each of these procedures with your doctor before deciding what's right for you.

Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer

Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells anywhere in the body. The drugs are often given by IV, but are sometimes taken by mouth or shot. Chemotherapy may be done after surgery to lower the odds of the cancer coming back. In women with advanced breast cancer, chemotherapy can help control the cancer's growth. Side effects may include hair loss, nausea, fatigue, and a higher risk of infection.

Lung Cancer

By: Andrew Seibert, MD

Lung cancer is the top cause of cancer deaths in both men and women. But this wasn't always the case. Prior to the widespread use of mechanical cigarette rollers, lung cancer was rare. Today, smoking causes nearly nine out of 10 lung cancer deaths, while radon gas, pollution, and other chemical exposures play a smaller role. Newly-developed drugs provide new hope for those diagnosed today.

 Cigarettes are not only packed with cancer-causing chemicals – they also disarm the lungs' natural defense system. The airways are lined with tiny hairs known as cilia. These hairs protect the lungs by sweeping out toxins, bacteria, and viruses. Tobacco smoke paralyzes the cilia so they can't do their job. This allows carcinogens to collect in the lungs.

Lung Cancer Symptoms

Lung cancer begins in stealth mode. There are usually no symptoms or warning signs in the early stages. As it progresses, symptoms are typically non-specific and may include:
  • A cough that won't go away.
  • Chest pain, especially during deep breaths.
  • Wheezing or shortness of breath.
  • Coughing up bloody phlegm.

Lung Cancer Screening

Can lung cancer be found early? A type of scan called spiral CT has shown promise in picking up early lung cancers in some people, but it's not clear whether it finds them early enough to save lives. The National Cancer Institute is currently evaluating the test's usefulness. One drawback is that spiral CT reveals a lot of harmless abnormalities in the lungs, which can lead to unnecessary biopsies, worry, and surgeries.

In most cases, lung cancer is not suspected until it causes symptoms like a chronic cough or wheezing. At that point, your doctor will most likely order a chest X-ray and/or other imaging tests. You may also be asked to cough up phlegm for a sputum test. If either of these tests suggest the presence of cancer, you'll most likely undergo a biopsy.

Being diagnosed with lung cancer can be a shock, and if it's linked to smoking, you may suffer from guilt as well. But now is not the time to blame yourself. Instead, experts recommend looking forward. It's not too late to make healthy changes to your lifestyle. There's evidence that patients who quit smoking after learning they have lung cancer do better than those who keep smoking.

Non-smoking sign.

Lung Cancer Prevention

Lung cancer may be one of the deadliest forms of cancer, but it's also one of the most preventable. In two words: don't smoke. And if you do, get the help you need to quit. Within five years of quitting, your risk of dying from lung cancer will drop to half that of someone who smokes a pack a day. And 10 years after quitting, your odds of dying from lung cancer will be virtually the same as if you had never smoked.

Thursday, May 24, 2012



Herbal Toothpaste Naturacentials is the first product under the Personal Care Division of AIM Global. It is a healthy toothpaste innovation that gives you complete cavity protection. It has the best herbal ingredients that take care of your teeth and gums.
Like most of the products, this 100mL (130g) Herbal Toothpaste Naturacentials from AIM Global is still enriched with the 16,000 phyto-nutrients from Complete Phyto-energizerwith its 131 important daily essentials:

29 Vitamins and Trace Minerals
18 Amino Acids
14 Green Foods/Spirulina Blend
12 Whole Fruit Juice Blend
12 Whole Vegetable Juice Blend
12 Mushroom Blend
12 Digestive Enzymes
12 Herbs/Specialty Nutrients
10 Essential Fatty Acids

131 POWER ingredients in one tube!

Aside from the 131 important daily essentials from Complete Phyto-energizer, this Herbal Toothpaste from AIM Global also has 5 more power ingredients.
Bee Propolis – has proved successful against a range of dental disorders – from plaque
and cavities to gum disease and mouth ulcers, as well as having other
health benefits. Added to toothpaste, it prevents periodontal disease, and is antiplaque/anti-inflammator.
  • Bee Propolis – has proved successful against a range of dental disorders – from plaque
    and cavities to gum disease and mouth ulcers, as well as having other
    health benefits. Added to toothpaste, it prevents periodontal disease, and is antiplaque/anti-inflammator.
  • Piper Betel Extract – it has been reported that the
    aqueous extracts of Piper Betel leaves
    showed anti-plaque activities during the early stages of dental plaque
    formation. Betel leaves are used as a stimulant, an antiseptic and a breath-freshener.
  • Tea Tree Oil – used as a local antiseptic for infections of the mouth and nose and sore throat. Effective for Yeast infections in the mouth and throat. It acts as a natural cure for bad breath,
    oral candidiasis, gingivitis, plaque, and inflamed gums.
    It also kills mouth bacteria prior to dental surgery and also reduces mouth irritation
    that is often caused by dental procedures.
  • Myrrh Extract – is wonderful for infection in the teeth. It has also been used as an antiseptic
    to be applied to inflamed lesions of the throat and mouth, and as an
    emmenagogue and an antispasmodic, and for the treatment of cancer and
    infectious diseases.
  • Aloe Vera Extract – is used to cleanse and soothe teeth and gums, and is as effective as toothpaste to fight cavities. It  has a variety of components to help combat periodontal disease and other oral conditions such as acute mouth lesions, Canker Sores, cracks occurring at the corners of our lips, gum abscesses, Candidiasis, Desquamative Gingivitis and a lot more.
Herbal Toothpaste Health Benefits:
  • Helps protect against cavities and deeply cleans teeth along the gum line to prevent plaque build-up making your teeth feeling smooth after brushing.
  • Gets rid of bad bacteria that causes bad breath and keeps your mouth feeling clean and fresher longer.
  • Makes brushing a healthier routine with the help of 16,000 phyto-nutrients from Complete Phyto-energizer.

Functional Beverages


Livén Coffee is a high quality product and highly regarded for its distinctive taste and aroma and is made of the finest species of Coffea Arabica added with Complete Phyto-energizer!, whose ingredients work in “synergy” to produce maximum result in the body.

Coffea Arabica is a species of coffee indigenous to Ethiopia. It is also known as the “coffee shrub of Arabia” , “mountain coffee” or Arabica coffee. It is considered to produce better coffee than coffee canephora (Robusta). Arabica also contains less caffeine and produces better taste than Robusta. Arabica coffee beans are selected as specialty coffee because of its unique, delicate flavour and aroma.

Complete Phyto-energizer is the most nutrionally dense food concentrate. It contains 16,000 phytonutrients that acts as a very powerful antioxidant and anti-aging.

Livén Coffee Health Benefits
  • Lowers cholesterol level
  • Protects against heart diseases and complications
  • Helps prevent cancer of any origin
  • Controls high-blood pressure
  • Prevents degenerative diseases such as arthritis and rheumatism
  • Reduces the risk of developing type II diabetes
  • Prevents Parkinson’s disease
  • Enhances, nourishes, strengthens and balances the immune system
  • Promotes healthy blood circulation and cell regeneration
  • Enhances sexual vitality
  • Rejuvenates the skin
  • Improves performance and endurance during exercise
  • Enhances concentration
  • Reduces fatigue
  • Heightens alertness
  • Increases sperm motility
  • Relieves headache
  • Offset damage of smoking and heavy alcoholic intakes
  • Detoxifies the body


MyChoco is the only chocolate served today that preserves the true richness of chocolate with the addition of great health benefits. MyChoco is added to hot or cold water to give it a malted chocolate flavor and extra texture. When combined with cold water, it retains the gritty texture of its raw state. When combined with hot water, it creates a layer of congealed choco and milk floating on top of the cup which some drinkers enjoy more.

Rich. Smooth. Refined. Classy. That's how we describe MyChoco - a delightful new chocolate functional beverage from AIM Global. MyChoco, a chocolate health food drink made from premium cocoa blend, is the fun health drink which is extremely tasty, and makes nourishment truly enjoyable and exciting!

Savor and Enjoy Nature’s Goodness

Enrich your health with a delicious, functional, chocolate fruit replacement beverage that can be beneficial for both kids and adults. Fortified with DHA, essential to mental, visual and neurological acuities needed for memory, concentration and focus. Embrace your way to a mega-nutritional and fun-drinking habit that support your dietary needs for a stronger body and sharper mind… ALIVE!

MyChoco is the only chocolate served today that preserves the true richness of chocolate with the addition of great health benefits.

MyChoco is added to hot or cold water to give it a malted chocolate flavor and extra texture. When combined with cold water, it retains the gritty texture of its raw state. When combined with hot water, it creates a layer of congealed choco and milk floating on top of the cup which some drinkers enjoy more.

My Choco is a perfect on-the-go indulgence for people who enjoy treating themselves. It is a refreshing beverage, blended with real chocolate, a touchy fruity flavor and made available any time!

Enjoy it hot or cold.

My Choco Health Benefits
  • Lowers cholesterol level
  • Protects against heart diseases and complications
  • Helps prevent cancer of any origin
  • Controls high-blood pressure
  • Prevents degenerative diseases such as arthritis and rheumatism
  • Reduces the risk of developing type II diabetes
  • Prevents Parkinson's disease
  • Enhances, nourishes, strengthens and balances the immune system
  • Promotes healthy blood circulation and cell regeneration
  • Rejuvenates the skin
  • Essential to mental, visual and neurological acuities
  • Increases memory, concentration and focus
  • Improves performance and endurance during exercise
  • Improves performance and endurance during exercise
  • Enhances concentration
  • Reduces fatigue
  • Heightens alertness
  • Relieves headache
  • Offset damage of smoking and heavy alcoholic intakes
  • Detoxifies the body

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Nutritional CosmeCeuticals



WhiteLight Sublingual Glutathione Spray contains 2,500mg Glutathione & 1,000mg Vitamin C
Antioxidant whitelight sublingual glutathione spray c24/7 c 24/7 c 24-7 complete phyto-energizer alive restorlyf perfect white slim and trim choleduz liven coffee my

Anti-Aging whitelight sublingual glutathione spray c24/7 c 24/7 c 24-7 complete phyto-energizer alive restorlyf perfect white slim and trim choleduz liven coffee my choco

Heals dark spots caused by acne and prevents them from coming back
Helps maintain clear vision whitelight sublingual glutathione spray c24/7 c 24/7 c 24-7 complete phyto-energizer alive restorlyf perfect white slim and trim

Slows down the aging process whitelight sublingual glutathione spray c24/7 c 24/7 c 24-7 complete phyto-energizer alive restorlyf perfect white slim

Works to help improve mental functions, increases energy,
Improves concentration, permits increased exercise,
Improves heart and lung function
Boosts our immune system whitelight sublingual glutathione spray c24/7 c 24/7 c 24-7 complete phyto-energizer alive restorlyf perfect white slim and trim

Reduces Blood pressure in people with diabetes and hypertension
Increases Sperm Counts in men
Prevents clot formation whitelight sublingual glutathione spray c24/7 c 24/7 c 24-7 complete phyto-energizer alive restorlyf perfect white slim and trim

Helps the liver to function well and eradicate all insoluble substances
Helps the liver to detoxify of heavy metals, toxins, and alcohol
Used by those exposed to radiation and chemotherapy during cancer treatment.

Now, it is being used for its side effect to

Refreshes, Softens, and Promotes Whiter Complexion


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30 Capsules / blister box
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Take one to two tablets once or twice daily, or as directed by your health care professional.
Lot No. : 31027

SRP: Php 1,400.00 / Members: Php 1,100.00 (less 25%)
Mobile #: 09322516788/09068492698